George Mason NLP

George Mason NLP

George Mason University

Natural language processing (NLP) aims to enable computers to use human languages – so that people can, for example, interact with computers naturally; or communicate with people who don’t speak a common language; or manipulate speech or text data at scales not otherwise possible. The NLP group at George Mason Computer Science is interested in all aspects of NLP, with a focus on building tools for under-served languages, and constructing natural language interfaces that can reliably assist humans in knowledge acquisition and task completion.

We are currently working on multilingual models, on building Machine Translation robust to L2-language variations, on NLP for documentation of endangered languages, on exploring the interplay between language and code, on constructing interactive natural language interfaces, and on improving the efficiency of NLP models.

We have open PhD positions and we are looking for students to start in Fall 2024. Do reach out if you have a passion for language and NLP!
Application Link
