
Are Large Language Models Geospatially Knowledgeable?

Despite the impressive performance of Large Language Models (LLM) for various natural language processing tasks, little is known about their comprehension of geographic data and related ability to facilitate informed geospatial decision-making. This …

Global Voices, Local Biases: Socio-Cultural Prejudices across Languages

Human biases are ubiquitous but not uniform: disparities exist across linguistic, cultural, and societal borders. As large amounts of recent literature suggest, language models (LMs) trained on human data can reflect and often amplify the effects of …

Geographic and Geopolitical Biases of Language Models

Pretrained language models (PLMs) often fail to fairly represent target users from certain world regions because of the under-representation of those regions in training datasets. With recent PLMs trained on enormous data sources, quantifying their …

Phylogeny-Inspired Adaptation of Multilingual Models to New Languages

Large pretrained multilingual models, trained on dozens of languages, have delivered promising results due to cross-lingual learning capabilities on variety of language tasks. Further adapting these models to specific languages, especially ones …

The GMU System Submission for the SUMEval 2022 Shared Task

This paper describes the submission of our multilingual NLP model performance evaluation system for the SUMEval 2022 shared task, a system for predict the performance of a model on a set of target languages. The system is based on the LITMUS model …

Language Generation Models Can Cause Harm: So What Can We Do About It? An Actionable Survey

Recent advances in the capacity of large language models to generate human-like text have resulted in their increased adoption in user-facing settings. In parallel, these improvements have prompted a heated discourse around the risks of societal …

Dataset Geography: Mapping Language Data to Language Users

As language technologies become more ubiquitous, there are increasing efforts towards expanding the language diversity and coverage of natural language processing (NLP) systems. Arguably, the most important factor influencing the quality of modern …

Systematic Inequalities in Language Technology Performance across the World’s Languages

Natural language processing (NLP) systems have become a central technology in communication, education, medicine, artificial intelligence, and many other domains of research and development. While the performance of NLP methods has grown enormously …

Investigating Post-pretraining Representation Alignment for Cross-Lingual Question Answering

Human knowledge is collectively encoded in the roughly 6500 languages spoken around the world, but it is not distributed equally across languages. Hence, for information-seeking question answering (QA) systems to adequately serve speakers of all …

SD-QA: Spoken Dialectal Question Answering for the Real World

Question answering (QA) systems are now available through numerous commercial applications for a wide variety of domains, serving millions of users that interact with them via speech interfaces. However, current benchmarks in QA research do not …