Script Normalization for Unconventional Writing of Under-Resourced Languages in Bilingual Communities


The wide accessibility of social media has provided linguistically under-represented communities with an extraordinary opportunity to create content in their native languages. This, however, comes with certain challenges in script normalization, particularly where the speakers of a language in a bilingual community rely on another script or orthography to write their native language. This paper addresses the problem of script normalization for several such languages that are mainly written in a Perso-Arabic script. Using synthetic data with various levels of noise and a transformer-based model, we demonstrate that the problem can be effectively remediated. We conduct a small-scale evaluation of real data as well. Our experiments indicate that script normalization is also beneficial to improve the performance of downstream tasks such as machine translation and language identification.

Proceedings of ACL 2023
Sina Ahmadi
Sina Ahmadi
Postdoctoral Researcher
Antonios Anastasopoulos
Antonios Anastasopoulos
Assistant Professor

I work on multilingual models, machine translation, speech recognition, and NLP for under-served languages.
